vineri, 19 iulie 2013

Kids and dogs relationship

Dogs can be friends, but they can and bite! Friendship a dog can be very beneficial for emotional and mental health of a child. But children, especially those under 7 years are at risk of being bitten. They may also contact may be disfigured by illness or a dog that was caused, which may leave severe trauma. It is well known that stray dogs are dangerous bites. However, most bites are produced by a dog known victim (neighbor's dog, the dog of a friend etc). Parents are responsible to teach their children to treat dogs with respect, first for themselves safe.
Why dogs bite? 
The vast majority of dogs are companions around which we trust and feel safe. But even a friendly dog ​​bite when threatened, when provoked or when injured. Some dogs can be described as dangerous by their gene itself (referring to their instincts) or that they were trained to be aggressive and chase / attack.
 Dogs guarding things, places and people
Just like humans, dogs are good guardians of the things they care about, whether it's their food, their toys or whatever they think they belong. Also look out for and places where hounds are left: either it's his favorite place to rest or where you eat, be it other places (the backyard of a house, porch, parked cars etc). A child who is trying to put his hand through a fence or arrive unannounced at the door way, gentle and loyal dog can turn into a neighbor's protector and is aggressive growl. Dogs offer us protection. We must ensure that children are aware of these situations can scare you or make a dog aggressive.
I find out a website were you can learn more about the best dogs for kids
 Other reasons for a dog bite
Germination or stand huddled over a dog, tormenting him, especially if it's a small dog, the kids can make him feel like he has to defend.
Children should keep away from the dog and not expose her face close to the dog's mouth. Face (figure) is the one that suffers the most dangerous injuries from bites. Stray dogs are in danger and can in turn be dangerous. Any dog ​​that walks alone on the streets may be a lost dog, scared or hurt - and is even more likely that it will bite.
Sick or injured dogs may be irritated or they may be afraid, so should be avoided by children.
Older dogs (aged) may have poor eyesight or poor hearing or may be more sensitive to the touch, which can make them attack. Some dogs rarely come into contact with other people, so they are not sociable. Dogs who live or around children must be able to tolerate a malicious behavior on their part, without jumping to bite. Choose with great care the dog and encourage your dog not to bite, whether it's a toy or whatever to avoid problems like this in the future. Most dog bites caused by children occur when the child knows that dog. A dog is excited or nervous can bite by mistake. Children should be educated not to fight dogs, do not you tease / torment the dog, do not yell at him not to chase dogs or other animals.
 Dogs may feel abandoned, especially when a new baby or another pet in the home that makes its appearance. In such situations, give your dog more affection and attention.
Check out more information in here

luni, 24 iunie 2013

Traits of nice family dogs

In selecting a dog for the family, take into account the subsequent traits to assist you discover a decent fit!

AGE - select a young dog - ideally between the ages of four months and half-dozen years recent - for a family pet.  (Do confine mind that larger dogs have shorter lifespans therefore whereas half-dozen could also be old for a medium-sized dog, half-dozen years is recent for an outsized breed dog).  And although older dogs is calmer pets, health issues (if any) typically arise as dogs get to the geriatric stage (generally thought-about to be seven years) and a symptom dog will not tolerate kids the maximum amount.

SIZE- a decent family dog is typically medium to massive in size.  Not that tiny dogs cannot observe family dogs, it's simply that kids (especially younger ones) tend to handle pets roughly by design or erroneously, and bigger dogs will tolerate a lot of physical mishandling from kids while not suffering serious injury. as an example, a boisterous three year recent may shove the sleeping family dog off the couch for no matter reason; a poodle dog may be skinned in such a fall whereas a bigger dog wouldn't.

TEMPERAMENT - Passivity and tolerance area unit completely essential within the temperament of a family dog.  Not solely do kids unknowingly mishandle pets habitually, they will additionally provoke and tease them on a daily basis. faux growling, barking, eye stares, wrestling, pushing, etc, area unit a couple of examples.  If a dog has dominance or aggressive tendencies, any of those behaviors returning from kids would be perceived as physical challenges and will cause bites or worse.

TRAINABILITY- you do not need a dog that does not train simply for a family dog. kids is difficult  enough on their own - the very last thing you wish may be a dog United Nations agency refuses to become trained or will not heel for walks. another excuse is that kids area unit clearly inconsistent masters themselves thus a difficult dog would find yourself taking way more time to be told easy nevertheless vital commands and rules as a result.  A extremely trainable dog's power may form up somewhat for the inconsistency of the children's influence. a 3rd reason to hunt a extremely trainable dog is that the incontrovertible fact that at some purpose in time, the dog could also be beneath the care or management of a baby (i.e. leash walking) and if the dog was to induce loose (rather inevitably, I assure you), easy commands will bring the dog back to safety.

ENERGY - try and select a dog with a medium to low energy for a family setting. kids is high energy themselves and a full of life or high energy dog (i.e. Jack Russell Terrier) will become hyper-active and onerous to regulate once around screaming, running, teasing kids.  A large, bounding however placid, devil-may-care dog may be a far better play companion for kids than a zooming, yapping, hyper dog.

Lastly, confine mind that every dog breed was specifically bred to serve sure functions.  In general, guard breeds (like Dobermans and Rottweilers) area unit terribly protecting of their family units {and can|and may|and may} build nice pets however they're bred to be cautious of strangers therefore issues might arise if they need to perpetually move with strangers or new settings. social dogs (like Australian kine Dogs and Collies) is ideal family pets as a result of they need stamina, endurance, and high intelligence however a number of them instinctively nip at heels to herd kids and that they do not fancy long periods of down time (like college time). massive breed drafting or operating dogs (such because the Newfoundland, Bernese, nice Pyrenees) build wonderful family dogs as a result of they're comparatively low-energy, massive and resilient, likewise as passive and  trainable. sadly, these light giants shed plenty, eat a lot, and have shorter lifespans.  Retrievers area unit nice too as a result of they're medium energy dogs bred to possess endurance, sociableness, and a high want to please. make sure to think about alternative lesser famous retrievers just like the Portuguese Water Dog and frizzy Coated gun dog too.  Hounds and terriers area unit gregarious and thus love company however they will be freelance thinkers bred to follow their senses (i.e. scent hounds like Bloodhounds & Bassett Hounds; sight hounds just like the Russian wolfhound and Saluki) in order that they area unit rarely trustworthy off-leash. select your family pet by taking all of those traits into thought initial and you're possible to create a sophisticated decision!